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A Story of Strength: Gloria Driver’s Fight Against Breast Cancer

Posted by Morgan Nail on 04, Oct 2024
Morgan Nail

Breast Cancer Awareness Month & Gloria Driver’s Journey Through the Disease—Twice

This Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we’re honored to revisit the inspiring journey of Gloria Driver, a long-time CFM Insurance customer and the sister of our very own leadership team member, Cindy Tolias. You may remember her from a previous blog, Just Grow With It, where she shared her powerful lessons on adapting to change and staying positive during her first battle with breast cancer. Now, as Gloria faces this battle for the second time, her strength, resilience, and unwavering faith continue to shine. Through her story, we’ll explore not only her courageous journey but also the invaluable wisdom she’s gained along the way—offering hope and guidance for others facing similar challenges.

Facing the Diagnosis, Round Two

Gloria_ChemoWhen asked about the most challenging part of facing breast cancer again, Gloria shared her fears openly. “The fear of doing all the treatments over again, knowing how bad the side effects can be, has been tough,” she admits. Fully grasping the possibility of not reaching her long-anticipated goal of retirement has also weighed heavily on her mind. “My surgeon told me that I may be chasing this cancer for the rest of my life,” she says with a mix of acceptance and determination.

It's All About Perspective

Gloria’s re-diagnosis has profoundly changed her outlook on life. “Health is wealth! I really understand that now,” she reflects. Living one day at a time, Gloria cherishes moments with her sisters and strives to make as many memories as possible knowing how precious time truly is.

"I take my life one day at a time. I don’t look too far ahead, because honestly I don’t know if I’ll still be around. I’ve always kind of lived spontaneously, but now I find myself not putting off things I want to do. My sisters and I try to do more outings together and make fun memories. You can never get time back. I fully understand that I could go at any time if this cancer returns – my family doesn’t like me to talk about it, but it’s the truth."

The Takeaway: Cherish every precious moment. Gloria is living proof that each day is a gift meant to be shared with those we love. Her story reminds us that we only get one life, and every moment is an opportunity to create lasting memories.

The Power of Her Tribe

Gloria & her Sisters Support from family, friends, and the community has been a lifeline for Gloria.

“My family is absolutely the best,” she says, recounting how her sisters arrived at her home within 10 minutes of her sharing the news of her re-diagnosis.

"I’ve always had one heck of a support system. My sisters were at my house within 10 minutes of learning my cancer had returned. We hugged and cried together. I’ve always felt the support of my friends and community, and frequently get stopped and asked how I’m doing. I truly feel and need the support of all of these people, and all of their prayers."

The Takeaway: Strength is found in unity. Gloria's journey reminds us that, in times of hardship, it’s the people who surround us—family, friends, and community—who provide the comfort, strength, and hope needed to carry on. The constant love and prayers from her loved ones continue to give her the strength to keep going.

The Greatest Strength Stems From Faith 

Gloria & Great NephewThe weight of the second diagnosis was heavy for Gloria, but her faith gave her peace and allowed for rest.

"This diagnosis came from out of the blue and hit me HARD! I was seen for my routine four-year checkup when my surgeon ordered a routine MRI of the breast. This found a 3cm area on my chest muscle. Initially, it was classified as Stage 4, but then downgraded to Stage 2 since it was basically in the same area as the original diagnosis."

Afterward, an all-consuming sadness took hold.

"I had an overwhelming feeling of sadness, despair, and hopelessness. I just couldn’t quit crying. My nephew's wife, Ashley, saw my struggles and asked if she could pray with me. She listened to me as I cried and spoke of my fears. Then, she placed her hands on me and prayed and prayed, while I sat quietly crying."

After that heart-to-heart, Gloria felt a shift in her well-being.

“I could feel God with us as we asked Him to heal and comfort me. That night I slept so well and the next day I woke up with the most beautiful peace in my soul, which I still have to this day. God is so good!"

The Takeaway: Even in darkness, faith shines. Despite the heavy burden of a second cancer diagnosis, Gloria’s story is a powerful reminder of the strength that faith provides, even in the saddest moments. When you lean into your faith, an indescribable sense of hope and comfort can transform your entire outlook.

Looking Ahead with Restored Hope

As Gloria navigates her second battle with breast cancer, her hopes and goals remain simple yet powerful. She longs to return to her rewarding nursing career and dreams of a peaceful retirement at age 65. Most of all, she hopes to never hear the words, “Your cancer is back,” again.

“If you know me, you know I don’t really do lifestyle changes. But I know that breast cancer can metastasize to the liver, lungs, brain, and bones. I’ve always been vigilant in my oncology follow-up appointments to ensure there was no evidence of cancer.”

The Takeaway: Resilience takes time. Despite the uncertainty of her health journey, Gloria remains hopeful and strong. She focuses on the present while holding onto her dreams for the future, embracing each day with faith and optimism.

Advice for Others Facing a Devastating Diagnosis

460459482_8303698529665738_9196035090755687551_nGloria’s advice for those facing breast cancer, especially a second diagnosis, is filled with conviction and clarity. “Surround yourself with your tribe,” she emphasizes.

“Being told you have cancer is so scary, but being told it has returned is somehow so much worse! Give your fears, your hopes, your deep-gutted cries to God and let him carry you. I’m not afraid to die – I’d like to see a little bit more of this world, but I’m not afraid to die, because I know where I’m going! And heaven’s going to be so much better than here.”

Gloria also stresses the importance of staying proactive about your health and early detection, which is key for any serious illness, not just cancer.

“After my mom and brother were diagnosed with colon cancer, their doctors suggested genetic testing for our family. Just like the BRCA gene increases the risk for breast cancer, the LYNCH gene predisposes one to colon cancer. I tested positive for the LYNCH gene, which has its own screening criteria. Research has advanced so much over the last four years that they can now tell me my LYNCH gene caused my breast cancer.”

In sharing her story, Gloria reminds us of the power of faith, a solid support system, and proactive health care in the face of life’s greatest challenges. Her journey through a second breast cancer diagnosis is not only a testament to her resilience, but also an inspiration for others navigating similar battles. As she continues to embrace each day with hope and courage, Gloria encourages us all to lean on our loved ones, trust in a higher power, and stay vigilant about our health. Her wisdom and strength are a beacon of hope, reminding us that, even in the toughest moments, we are never truly alone.

“I can’t express how important God is in all of this!”

Resources for the Fighters & Survivors

As we honor Gloria’s journey, it’s important to remember that no one should face breast cancer alone. Whether you’re fighting the disease or are a survivor, support and resources are available to help you every step of the way. Organizations like the American Cancer Society, Breastcancer.org, and Susan G. Komen provide invaluable information, emotional support, and financial assistance for those in need. Early detection is crucial—regular screenings and genetic testing, when applicable, can make all the difference. Remember, strength comes in many forms, and reaching out for support is one of the strongest things you can do. You are never alone in this fight.

Topics: Missouri Made, Rural Missouri, Community First

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