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Posts by CFM Marketing :

Ready, Set, CFMGo! Meet Our New & Improved Policyholder App.

By | on 05, Sep 2024 |   General Tips Insurance Information

CFM is excited to introduce the upgraded Policyholder App - CFMGo! We're dedicated to making our policyholders' lives easier by giving them on-the-go access to their important insurance information in[...] Read More

The CFM Glossary of Insurance Terms

By | on 28, Mar 2024 |   General Tips Insurance Information

Welcome to the CFM Glossary—a comprehensive guide to insurance terms designed to keep you informed. Have you ever found yourself nodding along as your insurance agent rattles off terms like deductible[...] Read More

The 10 Best Cold Weather Safety Tips For You And Your Home

By | on 08, Dec 2023 |   General Tips

Weather we like it or not (see what we did there?), the cold is here - and it's here to stay. Just as we try to keep cool during the hot summer months, it's important to take the same safety measures [...] Read More

The Community First Connection: Here's What Happens When People & Businesses Invest In Local Causes

By | on 08, Nov 2023 |   Insurance Information

Over two years ago, amidst a shifting global landscape, CFM unveiled a fresh brand identity that placed the concept of community at its very core. This wasn't merely about supporting one another withi[...] Read More

Save Big With CFM Insurance: Check Out Our Full List Of Unique Discounts You May Not Know About

By | on 12, Oct 2023 |   Insurance Information

At CFM, we know your worth. And we are committed to rewarding it, one discount at a time. It's a Mutual thing. Being a property owner is hard work. It's not only an investment of your hard-earned mone[...] Read More

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